Green Office
Office Supplies
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Office Supplies

Office Supplies is a highly visible area for Sustainable Procurement, as employees will immediately realise the efforts made to improve the sustainability performance of the organisation‘s operations. 

Office Supplies encompasses a wide range of products, from writing instruments and paper to toner cartridges. We included Cleaning Products & Services and Textiles in this section.

Browse additional Paper & Printing solutions in the related sub-category, on the left hand menu.

The key environmental impacts of printing consumables and other office stationeries are: 

  • Forest destruction and potential loss of biodiversity
  • Energy and water consumption during production
  • Waste from disposal (unless reprocessed or recycled), 
  • Packaging (plastics), 
  • Heavy metals (e.g. mercury, cadmium, lead, nickel) and chemicals (e.g. chlorine substances, colorants and dyes)
  • Hazardous substances

Our best advice: less is more. Start with Reducing and Reusing your supplies, you will save money and waste.

Measure & Monitor

Measuring your office carbon footprint is a key step for a greener office. It is of high importance for an efficient environmental management: if you don’t measure it, you can’t manage it!

It requires methodology and proper data collection: papers expenses, electronic equipments, electricity charges, office supplies...

  • Implement an adequate procedure to measure across all departments.
  • Set annually reduction targets to continuously improve.

For suggested sources of data and units of measure (paper, electronic, waste, energy...) refer to Pages 4 - 5 of the UK-based guide and Page 10 - 14 onwards of the Singapore NEA 3R Guidebook for Offices.


of office waste is paper.
(Ademe Report - Sept. 2019)


of office paper is recycled only vs 41% at home.
(Ademe Report - Sept. 2019)

Suppliers that provide solutions:
Asuene - Asuzero
Climate cloud platform

Asuene - Asuzero is a comprehensive platform for enterprises aiming to achieve net-zero and combat the global climate crisis. Our unique value proposition lies in offering a one-stop solution that educates and guides customers on their decarbonization journey. We provide bespoke consulting services to help organisations understand their carbon footprint and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across all three scopes.

By addressing Scope 3 emissions, we assist customers in engaging with their vendors and conducting assessments to accurately calculate and offset their emissions.

Furthermore, our platform offers Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Supply Chain functions to help manage sustainability performance and track progress towards sustainability goals.

As a certified provider by CDP and TCFD, we are authorised to issue sustainability ratings for companies and products, highlighting their level of sustainability performance. Asuzero enables enterprises to take decisive action, drive momentum, and work towards a sustainable, low-carbon future.

Set up a Sustainable Procurement Policy - BASIC

Preliminary Note:

  • Many sustainable products could be still more expensive than the non-sustainable ones. This “extra cost” will be offset on the long run by better procurement practices as described below, will raise awareness and improve your reputation towards your employees and your final customers.
  • You need to take into account the whole life cycle of your supplies, from manufacturing to end of product life.

Steps to take:

1- Analyse your current comsumption and existing practices

  • Identify your most purchased products and unused references (20/80 rule)
  • Ask your suppliers what are the carbon footprints for your 20% most purchased products.

2- Define Targets and KPI evolution, such as

  • Office supplies annual costs
  • % of sustainable or eco-certified office products purchases (to be done per category: paper, inks cartridges…)
  • Carbon footprint evolution for main office products purchased. Eliminate higher footprints products and replace them with lesser carbon footprint products.

3- Prefer

  • recyclable materials
  • biodegradable materials
  • refillable materialise
  • certified products (always ask for proof of certification). See Green Label Singapore. To find all other eco labels in Singapore, browse ecolabel website.

4- Make it simpler

  • Limit your annual number of orders to decrease logistics/transportation cost by aggregating orders among services/departments & defining a minimum amount per order. It will help you decrease your costs.
  • Reduce your suppliers list: limit order volumes and aggregate volumes on 1 or 2 suppliers to optimize cost.
  • Limit the number of supplies references, eliminate unused references and define a green list, to negotiate better prices on less references with higher volumes.

5- Packaging: Discuss with your supplier to limit packagings, e.g. all pens in 1 carton box.

6- Involve all stakeholders in the sustainable purchasing policy and train them

  • Employees : present the green product lines to them (especially people in charge of office supplies) in order to get their support.
  • Suppliers : involve them in the green purchasing policy, share objectives and let them find better sustainable options for you.

Refer to the global sustainable procurement policy in Resources section for more details.


of businesses better mitigate risk with sustainable procurement, 30% achieve cost reduction.
(Ecovadis Barometer - 2019)


Browse categories of the Green Label Singapore Directory from Singapore Environment Council to find labelled products or ecolabel website to find all eco labels in Singapore.

Other resources:
- Ecovadis academy on sustainable procurement
- Sustainable procurement policy
- ISO 20400

Suppliers that provide solutions:
Organic and Sustainable Certification

ECOCERT is pioneer and a world leader in the Certification of organic and sustainable products in the agri-food, cosmetics and textile industries. Through its consulting and training expertise, ECOCERT can also assist stakeholders in the implementation and promotion of sustainable practices, especially with the de-risking of their supply chain.

With operating capabilities in 130 countries and with 2200 employees, ECOCERT global footprint helps companies with consistent high-quality services all over the world.

Trusted provider of business sustainability ratings

EcoVadis rates more than 100,000 businesses on their sustainability performance, which helps improve the sustainability performance of global supply chains.

A smart platform automating supplier sustainability diligence and tracking

Givvable is an automated data platform that helps organisations understand the sustainability profile of their suppliers and supply chain. It captures, tracks and reports on the credentials of suppliers, that are the strongest indicators of whether a supplier is taking action on sustainability. Givvable covers local to global and SME to MNC suppliers, ensuring it has the widest coverage of supplier sustainability data globally.

Givvable will help you:

  • screen your existing suppliers and identify gaps for improvement
  • vet new suppliers at RFP, onboarding or renewal
  • find new suppliers via the givvable search platform
  • build capability in your suppliers through learning tools, modules and badges
Plastic Reduction Platform

We help Brands quit plastic: TRULY sustainable packaging sourcing and consultancy.

consultancy and training services on sustainability, strategy, risk and entrepreneurship

SustainableSG was started in September 2018 to accompany companies, non-profit entities and government agencies to review and implement effective and sustainable corporate strategies. Our services include:

  1. Strategy development and planning
  2. Assessing climate change-related risks and the impact to your organization
  3. Training and enhancing organizational capabilities
  4. Sustainability reporting and stakeholder engagement
  5. Public education
Plan a Stationery Amnesty

Organise a yearly stationery amnesty:

"An event where everyone in an office or building is invited to get rid of their unused and unwanted stationery (pens, staplers, envelopes, etc.) so it can be collected and reused. This saves money, as you don't need to buy new stationery, prevents items from going to landfill unnecessarily, and frees up space."

(Rémi Césaro, Resource Efficiency Consultant - Zero Waste City)

Here are 4 steps to implement your stationery amnesty.

Up to ~$640

are spent on office supplies per employee annually in medium-sized offices in USA - a number that can be optimised.


About 50-60% of office spend is on traditional supplies and computer consumables.

Suppliers that provide solutions:
Reuse Office Supplies

Maximise reuse of all office supplies. E.g. Reuse used envelopes & folders; use both sides of paper, reuse paper as draft paper, etc.

To go a step further, consider a yearly Stationery Amnesty (see above solution).


of printed documents are thrown within 5 minutes, 16% are never read.
(Ademe - Sept. 2019)

400 M€

Annual cost of the unread and forgotten documents on the printer in France.
(Ademe - Sept 2019)

Suppliers that provide solutions:
Package Pals
Circular packaging initiative for businesses & the Earth

Package Pals is a circular packaging initiative that collects used packaging from the public, distributing it back to businesses seeking eco-friendly packaging options.

They collect and distribute:

  • A4 poly mailers
  • A4 paper envelopes
  • A4 clear plastic wrappers, padded envelopes, bubble wrap.

For Greener Office, they can provide secondhand, eco-friendly packaging (poly mailers, paper envelopes, clear plastic wrappers, padded envelopes, bubble wrap) to businesses.

They can also help to establish a takeback program with the business's own packaging.

Businesses may donate packaging (poly mailers, paper envelopes, clear plastic wrappers, padded envelopes, bubble wrap) to be reused by other businesses. Please contact Package Pals prior to donating these items.

Choose Sustainable Paper Products

If you do not have yet a sustainable procurement policy, see above solution "Set up a Green Procurement Policy" on how to implement one  and our sustainable procurement page on how to write one.

Opt for recycled paper (less fresh pulp from cut-down trees) or up-cycled paper (e.g. made from waste). Choose at least ECF Paper (Elemental Chlorine Free) or prefer PCF Paper (Processed Chlorine Free), FSC (Forest Stewardship Council). Apply the same for letterheads, name cards, envelopes...

If recycled paper is not available, PEFC-certified (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) paper should be your second choice.

Prefer eco-certified products: Green Label Singapore, EnergyStar, PEFC, FSC for paper… Always ask for certification proof.

1,2 vs 2,5 tons

1 ton of recycled paper requires 1,2 ton of recycled fibres versus 2,5 tons of wood for 1 ton of virgin fibre paper.
(Recycled Papers)

Suppliers that provide solutions:
Green Prints Services
Recycled Paper products, Eco-friendly printing services & promotional products

Green Prints is an environmental social enterprise that aims to provide the greenest printing solution in Singapore.

They believe going green should not incur a premium but should be affordable to everyone. Their key products include recycled copy paper, sugarcane waste copy paper and namecards, T-shirts made from 100% recycled plastic bottles (via their brand: Plastic Bottle Tees).

A smart platform automating supplier sustainability diligence and tracking

Givvable is an automated data platform that helps organisations understand the sustainability profile of their suppliers and supply chain. It captures, tracks and reports on the credentials of suppliers, that are the strongest indicators of whether a supplier is taking action on sustainability. Givvable covers local to global and SME to MNC suppliers, ensuring it has the widest coverage of supplier sustainability data globally.

Givvable will help you:

  • screen your existing suppliers and identify gaps for improvement
  • vet new suppliers at RFP, onboarding or renewal
  • find new suppliers via the givvable search platform
  • build capability in your suppliers through learning tools, modules and badges
Office products, whole workplace supplies solutions

The Lyreco Group is a leading European distributor and third largest global distributor of workplace solutions for businesses. The group is present in 25 countries and operates via partnerships in 42 countries. With a turnover of more than 2.2 billion Euros, its results can be attributed to its close partnerships with its customers, outstanding logistics and the ambition that it shares with its 9,000 employees: "Always at your side to make your work life easier". In Asia, Lyreco has been operating in 5 countries for the past 20 years: Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.

They provide Green office products such as paper, pen, notebook, remanufactured ink cartridges & toners etc. that are falling under their own green tree certification (see their green tree logo).

Package Pals
Circular packaging initiative for businesses & the Earth

Package Pals is a circular packaging initiative that collects used packaging from the public, distributing it back to businesses seeking eco-friendly packaging options.

They collect and distribute:

  • A4 poly mailers
  • A4 paper envelopes
  • A4 clear plastic wrappers, padded envelopes, bubble wrap.

For Greener Office, they can provide secondhand, eco-friendly packaging (poly mailers, paper envelopes, clear plastic wrappers, padded envelopes, bubble wrap) to businesses.

They can also help to establish a takeback program with the business's own packaging.

Businesses may donate packaging (poly mailers, paper envelopes, clear plastic wrappers, padded envelopes, bubble wrap) to be reused by other businesses. Please contact Package Pals prior to donating these items.

Singapore Green Labelling Scheme
Regional ecolabelling scheme

The Singapore Green Labelling Scheme (SGLS) was launched in May 1992 to endorse industrial and consumer products that have less undesirable effects on our environment. Administered by the Singapore Environment Council (SEC), the SGLS is the region’s most established ecolabelling scheme with over 3 000 products certified across 28 countries.

The Singapore Green Label acts as a seal of endorsement on the environmentally-friendly claims to prevent the abuse of green-washing. Singapore Green Label certified products have become more marketable and readily accepted by consumers or businesses when making a purchase.

Application for the Singapore Green Label is open to both local and foreign companies.

Choose Sustainable Stationery

If you do not have yet a sustainable procurement policy, see above solution "Set up a Green Procurement Policy" on how to implement one and our sustainable procurement page on how to write one.

Prefer recyclable or biodegradable material:

  • Ink: use plant-based ink, opt for refurbished/ remanufactured cartridges.
  • Choose refillable pens (more expensive when purchasing the pen but definitely a cost saving when buying the refills afterwards).

Prefer eco-certified products: Green Label Singapore, EnergyStar, PEFC, FSC for paper… Always ask for certification proof.

Suppliers that provide solutions:
A smart platform automating supplier sustainability diligence and tracking

Givvable is an automated data platform that helps organisations understand the sustainability profile of their suppliers and supply chain. It captures, tracks and reports on the credentials of suppliers, that are the strongest indicators of whether a supplier is taking action on sustainability. Givvable covers local to global and SME to MNC suppliers, ensuring it has the widest coverage of supplier sustainability data globally.

Givvable will help you:

  • screen your existing suppliers and identify gaps for improvement
  • vet new suppliers at RFP, onboarding or renewal
  • find new suppliers via the givvable search platform
  • build capability in your suppliers through learning tools, modules and badges
Plantable sustainable stationery & lifestyle brand, Reusable cups

Left-handesign is Singapore's 1st Plantable sustainable stationery & lifestyle brand playfully designed with light & love. They celebrate collections inspired by simple joys of travel, art, nature, food, impressions as seen in day to day life.

Under left-handesign they design their ‘Plantable Series’ called BĪJ a Sanskrit word that means Seed. Their range of products includes Pencils, Pens and Notebooks, Gift tags which you can Plant into an herb like tomato, chili, marigold, tulsi (indian basil), spinach, okra, morning glory, mustard seeds.

Left-handesign was founded with a simple mission: put Nature back into peoples' lives. Through their "PLANT A TREE IN YOUR NAME” Program, they plant a tree for EVERY purchase.

Office products, whole workplace supplies solutions

The Lyreco Group is a leading European distributor and third largest global distributor of workplace solutions for businesses. The group is present in 25 countries and operates via partnerships in 42 countries. With a turnover of more than 2.2 billion Euros, its results can be attributed to its close partnerships with its customers, outstanding logistics and the ambition that it shares with its 9,000 employees: "Always at your side to make your work life easier". In Asia, Lyreco has been operating in 5 countries for the past 20 years: Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.

They provide Green office products such as paper, pen, notebook, remanufactured ink cartridges & toners etc. that are falling under their own green tree certification (see their green tree logo).

The First Green Store
Sustainable, ethical and eco-friendly stationery, promotional products and custom merchandise

With the rising need to conserve and protect our environment, the first green store (TFGS) encourages individuals and enterprises to adopt environmentally responsible lifestyles, and advocate for Corporate Social Responsibility policies, through the products given away during various occasions and events.

They work with partners who are certified for Ethical Practices in their manufacturing process, and their retail brands are very carefully chosen keeping in mind their design, environmental and social impacts.

B2B Digital Platform for Sustainable Sourcing

🌏 What if sustainability became the norm in business, rather than a nice to have? That's our mission: using Technology, we simplify sustainability for organizations by making it more accessible, transparent and measurable.

We are building the first wholesale marketplace for sustainable products, connecting verified sustainable suppliers, manufacturers and brands.

✅ For brands, we offer uncompromising accessibility to all the sustainable products you need for your business. TEORRA rigorously vets all suppliers, so you as a buyer have absolute confidence and trust in the sustainable vendors you introduce to your supply chain; all while helping you measure your businesses impact as a result of choosing sustainable products.

✅ For suppliers, we help eliminate competition with conventional products by providing you with a marketplace specifically designed to servicing buyers looking for sustainable options. We make it easy for your business to attract new customers while helping you grow your brand globally.

Choose Green Cleaning Products (Floor)

If you do not have yet a sustainable procurement policy, see above solution "Set up a Green Procurement Policy" on how to implement one and our sustainable procurement page on how to write one.

Prefer recyclable, recycled or biodegradable material:

  • Refillable solutions
  • Recycled products
  • Non-toxic, chemicals-free, tree-free, plastic-free products.  

If the choice of office cleaning products is done by your cleaning agents, discuss with them how to use eco-friendly products.


In California, 11% of work-related asthma attacks are due to VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) in cleaning products.
(Safe Household Cleaning)

Suppliers that provide solutions:
Aquama Pacific / Bewoki Pte. Ltd.
100% ecological detergent & desinfectant machines

Bewoki stands for BEtter WOrld for our KIds and is the exclusive distributor of aquama® in the SEA region. They import unique machines from Switzerland that empower everyone from individuals to corporates to produce onsite a disinfectant and detergent 100% ecological (based on salt, water and electricity) that replaces 90% of polluting chemicals.

So upstream you eliminate the CO2 footprint of current chemicals production, downstream you release only salty water in the nature while in the process you do not create any additional plastic waste!

Moreover aquama® machines are seamless to use so everyone can connect to any of them with a mobile app. to get its own spray of hand-sanitizer for example thus contributing to a sharing economy which can be crucial in pandemic situations.

In the workplace, aquama® machines offer a safer work place by providing a disinfecting solution with no allergen, no chloramine and no endocrine disrupter that is both bactericide and virucide. On top of cleaning the common areas of the office, the machine is accessible by all staffs or employees so they can use it at their work station or home.

Aquama® machines are available in various size and some of them like the Freedom® or the Freedom® S are meant for home use. Aquama®Freedom® S is a perfect corporate gift in this COVID-19 period that will enable you to create your own aquama® solution for safe disinfection anywhere any time and portable! The disinfectant solution can be used for various purposes e.g general cleaning, disinfection of clothes, fruits and vegetables disinfection, home and office disinfection etc. 

B2B cleaning and washroom hygiene industry.

Duprex is a Singapore-based company operating for more than 20 years in cleaning and washroom hygiene industry.

They are not specialised in sustainable products but provide a range of green detergent, soap and surface cleaners.

Non-toxic & environmentally-friendly cleaning products

Idocare provides concentrated cleaning products that are 100% non-toxic, formulated from fully biodegradable ingredients; thus absolutely safe for people, pets and the environment.

Products range from floor cleaner, dishwashing liquid to hand soap and all purpose spray.

Sustainable cleaning products

ETLNo9 offers certified organic and 100% natural formulations for a truly minimalist and toxin-free Lifestyle.

They believe that the act of purifying our environment is the most direct way of purifying our heart and soul and that by taking care of nature, nature will take care of us.Their brand focuses on the spiritual aspect of sustainability.

You can also contact them on their facebook page :

Cleaning services social entreprise

Speco is a social enterprise that offers housekeeping and cleaning services to provide stable jobs to marginalised Singaporeans including ex-offenders, people with disabilities and single parents.Speco uses its own Speco® product, an antimicrobial coating that sanitises and actively protects.

Choose Green Cleaning Products (Others)

If you do not have yet a sustainable procurement policy, see above solution "Set up a Green Procurement Policy" on how to implement one and our sustainable procurement page on how to write one.

Prefer recyclable or biodegradable material:

  • Refillable solutions (e.g. soap dispenser)
  • Recycled products (e.g. toilet paper)
  • Non-toxic, chemicals-free, tree-free, plastic-free products (e.g. bamboo pulp toilet paper)

If the choice of office cleaning products is done by your cleaning agents, discuss with them how to use eco-friendly products.

Suppliers that provide solutions:
Tree-free and plastic-free packaging toilet paper

Zero plastics, no chemicals, no fragrances, and no BPAs. The Nurturing Co created Bambooloo as Singapore's first plastic packaging free consumer product range.

They offer sustainable toilet rolls, hand towels and other paper-based products from 100% sustainable bamboo, and 0% one time use plastics. They also have The Nurturing Co range of liquid food grade sanitisers and anti-bac wipes (refill canister, 300 wipes).

The Nurturing Co. is a next generation sustainable consumer products company that creates, manufactures, and sells earth friendly, modern brands answering today’s consumer needs for tomorrow.

Reusable Masks & non-toxic, naturally derived, cruelty-free sanitizing products

SimplyGood is a consumer brand created by the UglyGood team. They shine the spotlight on plastic waste with their line of sustainable cleaning products, such as cleaning solutions in refillable tablet form and reusable bottles.

To support the fight against the recent COVID-19 outbreak, SimplyGood has also launched a pack of reusable masks & hand sanitisers to help Singaporeans stay safe and protected. These 70% Ethyl Alcohol sanitisers are derived from organic wheat and are non-toxic, yet highly effective (kills up to 99.99% viruses) for various usage purposes. These sanitisers are also available in refill packs to reduce plastic wastage.

SimplyGood provide refillable cleaning tablets are 100% non-toxic, naturally derived and cruelty-free. They are also eco-friendly as its packaging utilise up to 90% less plastic than traditional cleaning products.

SimplyGood also provides food-grade sanitisers naturally derived from organic wheat and comes in refill packs to reduce plastic wastage. They are very versatile in terms of application, and can be used on not just skin but also food contact surfaces (i.e. knife, cutting board, ...)

Singapore Green Labelling Scheme
Regional ecolabelling scheme

The Singapore Green Labelling Scheme (SGLS) was launched in May 1992 to endorse industrial and consumer products that have less undesirable effects on our environment. Administered by the Singapore Environment Council (SEC), the SGLS is the region’s most established ecolabelling scheme with over 3 000 products certified across 28 countries.

The Singapore Green Label acts as a seal of endorsement on the environmentally-friendly claims to prevent the abuse of green-washing. Singapore Green Label certified products have become more marketable and readily accepted by consumers or businesses when making a purchase.

Application for the Singapore Green Label is open to both local and foreign companies.

The Rollieco
Sustainable alternatives - Eco toilet rolls made from 100% reclycled papers

We bring eco alternatives to your daily essentials. We offer eco toilet rolls made from 100% recycled papers that are thoughtfully designed for sustainability. From plastic-free packaging to soy-based ink, we are committed to help you make the positive impact to the environment.

By choosing products with recycled contents, you are reducing trees from being cut down. We take a step further by planting a tree for every box you purchase. So make the switch now, and make the world a better place because you care.

Choose Green Cleaning Services

If you do not have yet a sustainable procurement policy, see above solution "Set up a Green Procurement Policy" on how to implement one and our sustainable procurement page on how to write one.

For services, prefer providers conscious of environmental and social challenges:

  • using water & energy efficient equipment
  • using eco-friendly cleaning products (see solutions "Choose Green Cleaning Products" above)
  • training their employees on eco-friendly practices, natural resources' preservation & waste segregation
  • with clear human resources social engagements such as a safe work environment, inclusiveness and diversity policy, and real competencies development plans
Suppliers that provide solutions:
Green Cleaners Asia
Non-toxic & environmentally-friendly cleaning services and products

Green Cleaners Asia is an eco-friendly professional cleaning service in Singapore. Since 2009, they have been using non-toxic and environmentally friendly products - not polluting the environment or your indoor air.

A toxic free working environment contributes to improving productivity levels at work, reducing sick days and operational costs!Their corporate clients include kindergartens, offices, gymnasiums and hotels.

GCA actively raise awareness and encourage their customers to adopt a ‘greener’ lifestyle, across their social media platforms and through educational talks and events.

Choose Eco-friendly Textile Merchandise

If you do not have yet a sustainable procurement policy, see above solution "Set up a Green Procurement Policy" on how to implement one and our sustainable procurement page on how to write one.

• Avoid non-bio cotton textile

• Prefer recyclable or biodegradable material:
     - Bio-cotton
     - Up-cycled fabrics
     - Recycled material: coffee grounds, polyester
     - Natural material: seaweed, linen, hemp…

• Prefer eco-certified products: Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)…

• Logistics: go for local sourcing

• For clothes production, choose manufacturers with social-consciousness:
     - Safe work environment to prevent work accidents or illness
     - Employees wellbeing
     - Ethical work conditions (minimum salaries levels, no forced labor, no child work...)


Innovative technologies can turn coffee grounds into fabrics that offer up to 200% faster drying time compared to cotton.
(S. Café®)

2,700L of water

are used to produce a non bio t-shirt.

Suppliers that provide solutions:
a social enterprise of eco-friendly & impactful B2B merchandise & hampers that empowers marginalized women

Liberty Society is a social enterprise, of eco & impactful B2B merchandise & hampers that empowers marginalized women. Through our training to-employment model, we give purpose and dignity back to refugee communities & disadvantaged communities, to increase their income and overall livelihood.

We help corporations appreciate and value their team, supporters, or clients with curated personalized goods & gifts that are loving to the people and the planet.

Market for Good - Dagiz
B2B Marketplace for social and environmental organisations

Market for Good is a B2B Marketplace for social and environmental organisations to showcase their products, services and activities- each reflecting one or few of the UN SDGs. For every purchase, the platform is able to accumulate the impact created and also showcases the way of how to amplify the impact by offsetting the carbon footprint. UG
Sustainably-made generic & customised corporate wear, textiles & accessories is committed to offering companies alternative textile merchandise, from uniforms to trade show giveaways  to towels/napkins to tote bags and other accessories, that are made sustainably and fairly to ensure the long-termwell-being of the planet and for all of us living on it.

They offer both ready-made styles and custom sustainable merchandise items using carefully selected materials and partner with environmental impact in mind. A few examples of the environmentally progressive fabrics used in their products include recycled fishing nets, recycled polyester, recycled cotton, seaweed, organic cotton and Tencel.

B2B Digital Platform for Sustainable Sourcing

🌏 What if sustainability became the norm in business, rather than a nice to have? That's our mission: using Technology, we simplify sustainability for organizations by making it more accessible, transparent and measurable.

We are building the first wholesale marketplace for sustainable products, connecting verified sustainable suppliers, manufacturers and brands.

✅ For brands, we offer uncompromising accessibility to all the sustainable products you need for your business. TEORRA rigorously vets all suppliers, so you as a buyer have absolute confidence and trust in the sustainable vendors you introduce to your supply chain; all while helping you measure your businesses impact as a result of choosing sustainable products.

✅ For suppliers, we help eliminate competition with conventional products by providing you with a marketplace specifically designed to servicing buyers looking for sustainable options. We make it easy for your business to attract new customers while helping you grow your brand globally.

Buddies - Experience sharing

The « green journey » may feel overwhelming sometimes, but you are not alone.

Our Buddies have tried, succeeded, failed to implement change in their companies. They share their experience so you can learn, take shortcuts, get inspired and ask questions.

Everybody can become a Buddy and give back to the community; if you are keen, get in touch with us.

Mary Kon-Sun-Tack
Founder - Journey Makers (Former Asia Customer Experience Director, Sustainability Ambassador - Lyreco)

Mary has founded Journey Makers to support organisations in their online presence blending customer experience and employee experience. She was previously in charge of Customer Experience for Lyreco Asia and worked on accelerating Digital and Marketing activities. In 2020, she was appointed sustainability ambassador as well for the region, as the topic was becoming a strategic one for the company. Thriving to drive the change internally and externally, she launched a Green Team that she co-led with her colleague.

Prior to this role, Mary had made her career essentially in the hospitality industry at global and regional role, from trade marketing, sales to Digital marketing. Before moving to Singapore in 2015, she was based in Dubai, UAE and France.

Andrew Tay
Business Development Director - KGS

I started my career as a mechanical engineer for 5 years and joined TayPaper Recycling in 2018. Tay Paper Recycling has grown from an informal scrap dealer to now a leading paper focused recycling company in Singapore. On top of just recycling, we also offer confidential data disposal services to help clients comply with PDPA, GDPR and recycle at the same time. I am now working at KGS, an e-waste and data sanitization company.

FRANCE - Benoit Barraque
ECODESIGN Coach - Credit Agricole Assurances (CAA)

With 17 years of experience in IT across different sectors and industries, Benoit managed a team focusing on project management and IT application support in Singapore. In 2017, he was one of the founders, and later on leader of Credit Agricole CIB's first green team in Singapore. Since 2022, he has started in France a new adventure within Credit Agricole Assurances (CAA) and managed up to 24 people, in software integration team.

Recently, in September 2023, he was promoted to ECODESIGN Coach within CAA. He is creating and deploying a new framework for all projects to add a sustainability dimension to help CAA reduce its environmental impact.

Ivona Balint-Kowalczyk
Sustainability consultant, Founder - Sustainao

With a background in sustainability consulting and audit, Ivona supports businesses in their sustainability journey by building an impactful strategy, embedding sustainable practices across operations, and reporting performance to stakeholders.

She is the founder of Sustainao, a Singapore-based company specialized in sustainability consulting. Previously, Ivona worked as a sustainability auditor at KPMG France. She holds an MBA in CSR & Sustainability and a Master’s degree in Environmental Management.

Nadège Claudel
Head of Sustainability APAC - Chanel (Former General Manager - BSI - British Standards Institution)

Before joining Chanel, I was General Manager of BSI Singapore for 2.5 years. Prior to joining BSI, I held different job assignments for the international retailer Carrefour. For them, I oversaw Quality, Food Safety and Sustainability in China and then at the Group level.  

I spent most of my career working in Asia: in Shanghai, Hong Kong and I have been happily settled in Singapore for 8 years now. 

I have a real passion for sustainability and nature conservation and I love to share the knowledge and experience I gained in this field. I am also a volunteer for the Singaporean NGO called Climate Conversation which aims to raise awareness on climate change.

Package Pals Trio
Founders – Package Pals

Package Pals is a circular packaging initiative that seeks to extend the life cycle of packaging. We collect used e-commerce packaging from members of the public, distributing it back to businesses seeking eco-friendly, second hand packaging options. There are 7 categories of packaging we collect: poly mailers (<A4),paper envelopes (<A4), plastic wrappers (<A4), bubble wrap, padded envelopes.

Package Pals has worked with multiple large and small businesses, schools, NGOs and governmental organisations since it was started in May 2020. Other than carrying out collection and distribution, we also focus on education and outreach, seeking to educate our 4k-strong audience on packaging waste and other environmental issues, through social media, webinars and other events.

Virgile Viasnoff
Professor, Mechanobiology – NUS, CNRS

Virgile is an academic researcher who works for the CNRS (France) and the National University of Singapore. He heads an international collaborative lab between Singapore and France at the mechanobiology institute.

He is also in charge of the transition towards more sustainable practices in the lab and in the institute. He has already implemented various actions covering energy efficiency, consumables usage reduction, waste management...

Samuel Chauffaille
Managing Director AsiaPacific (excl. China) - Ecocert

In 2003, I joined International SOS, world leader of medical and security assistance services and relocated to Singapore in 2008 where I have spent my life since. I held different regional leadership roles and I was a founding member of the Sustainability Committee and initially led the S (Social) part. I was also leading the Environment pillar, with a special focus on the Ecovadis certification.

I enrolled at SMU back in Sept 2020 and graduated from the Sustainability and Sustainable Business executive masterclass in Dec 2020. In July 2021, I joined a local singaporean startup H3Dynamics with the ambition to decarbonize the aviation industry! And since May 2023, I am now the managing director AsiaPacific for Ecocert, world leader in certification for organic products. I am also the Singapore Ambassador (volunteer) for Ecomatcher to help brands fight climate change, one tree at a time.

Finally, I am a French Trade Advisor and part of the Sustainability Committee to strengthen bridges between France and Singapore on this crucial agenda.

Tomo Hamakawa
Managing Director - Earth Company / Mana Earthly Paradise

Tomo is a seasoned development professional having lived and worked in various corners of the world from the Tibetan plateau, Indian drylands, Indonesian tropics, to Japanese metropolises. He has extensive field experience working for international and local development NGOs across Asia and Africa, including Kopernik, the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, and the World Bank. He was formerly an Assistant Professor at the Global Leadership Program at the University of Tokyo.

Tomo has a BA in Social Anthropology from Harvard College, a Masters in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School, and was an Asia Pacific Leadership Program Fellow (2008) and Innovation Fellow (2020) at the East-West Center. In 2014 Tomo was awarded the Dalai Lama’s Unsung Heroes of Compassion Award.

Naomi Vowels
Director - givvable

I am Naomi, currently co-founder & director of givvable. I started my career as an Australian diplomat with postings in East Timor, Thailand and Switzerland then moved into private banking where my interest in ESG and sustainability was seeded.

Today my company helps businesses screen and track the sustainability profile of their suppliers to help them achieve their goals and targets.