Our vision

Adaptability is about the powerful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win.” — Max McKeown

To be resilient and competitive in the long run, businesses have to integrate sustainability in their daily operations. Why? Because more and more people (partners, customers, employees, institutions) will ask for responsible actions and not only adaptation will be necessary, but also mitigation. The sooner you will start, the easier it will be.

We believe that there is a huge potential for education, innovation and impact with businesses. We are also aware that driving change may be difficult for various reasons: lack of know-how, of budget, of time, of strategy…

The Matcha Initiative has been created to help you shift from an unsustainable “business as usual” towards a more conscious and active preparation for a better future.

Our mission

This website is a one-stop tool for businesses to kickstart their journey towards sustainability:

Find relevant solutions
in a click

TMI is solution-driven: from basic actions you can implement yourself within your company to products & services that require a third party, we list existing solutions and suppliers to encourage you to take action here and now.

Understand the bigger picture
down to local challenges

People who are in charge of developing sustainable practices may come from various departments, with different levels of knowledge about the topic : Marketing, HR, Finance, Procurement... That is why we also provide a starter kit , impact figures, case studies, resources, how to’s, etc. to bring some context and guidelines for well-informed decisions.

Leverage on cooperation
to create a ripple effect

It is a win-win-win: whether you are looking for a solution or you can provide one - or both... The more companies integrating sustainability in their daily operations, the better for the planet. Dare the change, then share the change.

It is free of charge, constantly updated and focuses on Singapore and its surroundings.

Kindly note we started with the environment aspect of sustainability and will do our best to cover the social impact on a second phase.

Who we are

TMI platform is a ground-up initiative created in Singapore, by a group of hands-on individuals who couldn’t witness the consequences of their actions on the planet and do nothing about it.
Our members come from different walks of life. We are citizens, entrepreneurs, professionals, parents, change-makers.

We believe collaboration is key to any change. We aim to build an ecosystem to create business & network opportunities, inspire more companies by sharing best practices, connect people and organisations and educate professionals. 

Together we are stronger: join the community of solution providers and experts.
We happily discuss with Institutions, Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Universities, Startups, MNCs… Feel free to reach out to us.

They support us: Our Partners

Meet some of our do-gooders

Founding Member & Leader, The Matcha Initiative

Living in Asia for more than 20 years, I had 2 professional lives, first in the digital & e-commerce business world and then in the humanitarian NGO world.

The Matcha Initiative is a bridge between those 2 worlds. Leading the project, I admire our volunteers hard-work and generosity to share their expertise & experience, their knowledge, and their own journeys towards sustainability.

Founding Member & Board Member, The Matcha Initiative | Chief Happiness Officer, Handprint

Born in Vietnam, fell in love with Paris, now calling Singapore home. I'm a lifelong learner, nature lover and foodie. Currently regenerating the planet with a greentech startup (Handprint). Also a member of the French Tech for Good.

Co-leading The Matcha Initiative from day 1, with the belief that we all can be change-makers.

Mimi's Buddy page.

Jehanne HAKIME
Founding Member & Board Member, The Matcha Initiative | Consultant, Spectra

A passionate strategist, Jehanne is the glue between public and private stakeholders. Her experience ranges from cultural, human & economic development, poverty reduction, heritage preservation, urban sustainability and sports development in Asia, Africa & Europe. She has always been driven by sustainability as the mean to create a more efficient and thriving ecosystem.

She is a Founding Member of The Matcha Initiative and a Board Member.

Founding Member, The Matcha Initiative | Assistant Professor, National University Singapore

I am a professor of biomechanics at the National University of Singapore and CNRS. I coordinate the green lab policy of the Mechanobiology Institute.

I'm a founding member of The Matcha Initiative and a Board Member, as well as a Buddy. I'm involved in the overall strategy and more particularly relations with academia.

Virgile's Buddy Page.

Rémi Cesaro
Director & Founder, Zero Waste City

Remi provides engineering consulting services to large commercial and industrial facilities on waste management, energy efficiency and packaging design. He has acquired a strong experience as a consultant covering a wide range of industries and technologies in New Zealand, Australia, and Singapore. He is a certified TRUE Advisor (Total Resource Use Efficiency) by the U.S. Green Building Council Inc. This certification recognised his knowledge in Zero Waste programs and his ability to support businesses to achieve the TRUE Zero Waste certification.

Ivona Balint-Kowalczyk
Sustainability Consultant & Founder, Sustainao

My first home was a farm in the middle of a forest. This is where my environmental awareness started, which later led me to become a sustainability professional. Now I’m helping businesses in their sustainability journey, from creating a sustainability strategy, conducting materiality assessments, to implementing and improving sustainability reporting and performance.
My main contribution within the Matcha Initiative is to rate solutions, validate suppliers, write articles and share knowledge around sustainability and reporting practices.

CHAN Mun Wei
Founder & Principal Consultant, SustainableSG

Mun Wei started SustainableSG in September 2018 to advise organizations on sustainability strategy and implementation. He was previously the Divisional Director of Corporate Planning at Sentosa Development Corporation, where he led the development and implementation of the Sentosa Sustainability Plan. Mun Wei believes that building a greener and fairer world is a collective responsibility. Hence he is volunteering with the Matcha Initiative to get more organizations started on their sustainability journeys.

Andrew TAY
Buddy, The Matcha Initiative | Director Of Business Development, KGS

I started my career as a mechanical engineer for 5 years and joined TayPaper Recycling in 2018. I am now working at KGS, an e-waste and data sanitization company.

At The Matcha Initiative, I am a Buddy, and can help with sustainability solutions.

Andrew's Buddy page.

Board Member, The Matcha Initiative | Group Head Strategy & Innovation, Apollo Tyres

Living in Asia for the past 15 years, Serial Entrepreneur and mother of 3, I am a strong believer that each single action count, being positive or negative...so I am trying my best to do my part in educating, helping and changing the way we live and consume starting with me and spreading around through The Matcha Initiative.

Isabelle de Lovinfosse
Sustainability Practitioner & Lecturer

Doctor in political science with over 15 years of academic, consultancy and public sector experience in climate change and renewable energy policies with a passion for enhancing sustainability in all areas of the economy, research and education.
Isabelle is currently working for the British High Commission in Singapore as Head of South East Asia COP26 Strategy, and she is a Lecturer at the NTU S.Rajarathnam School of International Studies teaching "Energy and Environment Issues".

Buddy & Category Leader, The Matcha Initiative | Co-founder, Tulya

My background is in process development and operations, and when I decided to re-purpose my career a few years ago, I studied different aspects of Sustainable Business Development at the University in Sweden as well as the Sustainability Reporting Standards. Now, I help SMEs integrate sustainable solutions into their business strategy and operations.

At The Matcha Initiative, I am a Buddy, and work on the Sustainable Finance & Accounting category solutions.

Anna's Buddy page.

Thibaut Meurgue-Guyard
Entrepreneur & Sustainable IT Consultant

French free spirit with a keen interest for Asia and impact-driven projects. Co-founder of Found & Seek, a B2B SaaS to enable companies better manage their equipment along the circular economy & IT Sustainability speaker for MNCs.
I wanted to take part in The Matcha Initiative to make a difference and support a cause I believe in: IT Sustainability. I especially had a role in the website design and prove myself useful for all Digital footprint aspects (waiting to do more in the future!)

Charlotte Breil Colette
Sustainability, Corporate Affairs & External Relations Director in Food Industry, FMCG

With 20 years of experience in the Food Industry, from regulatory to public affairs and external communications, I got absolutely passionate about sustainability. Contributing to sustainable food systems, ensuring food security and ending food waste are what I value most. I am totally convinced that embedding sustainability into business is driving value & consumer preference and fostering employee’s engagement.
I am delighted to be part of The Matcha Initiative, providing my experience to help people designing more sustainable products & services.

Claire Kolly
Director, HR Consulting & Executive Coaching, EDLT.global

I am an HR professional and Executive Coach with 20 years of experience in multicultural environments. For long, I have been trying to play my -small- part in building and preserving a more sustainable world. I decided to combine my field of expertise with my values, and I started my journey as HR Consultant and Professional Coach, focused on enabling sustainable human development practices. I bring my expertise to organizations, teams & individuals looking to embrace an ambitious sustainable development path.
Would it be big or small steps, every step counts!

Séverine Dubois
Head of Procurement

Seasoned head of procurement in large organizations, I am focused on change management. I have worked on CSR procurement strategies at Credit Agricole Bank, strongly involved in climate change. In Singapore since 2019, I support co-build solutions with suppliers and partners and create space for them to share their expertise.
Member of CNA (leading French procurement network). Dedicated to raise CSR awareness in Singapore, I help the Matcha Initiative by sharing my own experience in procurement and by writing articles and sustainable procurement solutions.

Mary Kon-Sun-Tack
Founder - Journey Makers

Mary has founded Journey Makers to support organisations in their online presence blending customer experience and employee experience. She was previously in charge of Customer Experience for Lyreco Asia and was, as well, sustainability ambassador for the region. Thriving to drive the change internally and externally, she launched a Green Team that she co-led with one of her colleague.

Rachel Chiam
Country Coordinator (Singapore), The Matcha Initiative

I graduated in 2024 with a Bachelors in Social Sciences, majoring in Politics, Law, and Economics (PLE), specialising in Global Studies. I work many roles at TMI, particularly Business Development, Communications & Events, and Community Engagement. My journey in sustainability formally started in 2019 when I interned at Green Nudge, and have since been involved in multiple community projects and internships. Through my experiences I've gained a passion for ESG issues and hope to contribute to the industry meaningfully.

Solutions Rating Board 

CHAN Mun Wei
Founder & Principal Consultant, SustainableSG
Claire Kolly
Director, HR Consulting & Executive Coaching, EDLT.global
Isabelle de Lovinfosse
Sustainability Practitioner & Lecturer
Ivona Balint-Kowalczyk
Sustainability Consultant & Founder, Sustainao
Rémi Cesaro
Director & Founder, Zero Waste City

Suppliers Validation Board 

Founding Member & Leader, The Matcha Initiative
Ivona Balint-Kowalczyk
Sustainability Consultant & Founder, Sustainao
Jehanne HAKIME
Founding Member & Board Member, The Matcha Initiative | Consultant, Spectra
Mary Kon-Sun-Tack
Founder - Journey Makers
Founding Member & Board Member, The Matcha Initiative | Chief Happiness Officer, Handprint
Learn more about our rating and validation process.