Delphine Pernot
Circular Economy Expert
Plastic Recycling
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Delphine's Introduction

Over the past ten years, I have gradually developed my expertise to put my convictions into action, focusing my energy in increasing circularity.

I have been passionately involved in collaborating with private companies and public authorities to advance circular economy initiatives and implement Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Schemes. I played instrumental roles in developing and implementing strategic roadmaps to establish EPR schemes dedicated to industrial and commercial packaging in France.  ‍My motivation is to work among various stakeholders and to help shift an industry as a whole, and to re-invent economy with more re-use and more re-cycling.

Top 3 pieces of advice to The Matcha Initiative (TMI) users ?
  • Think global and cooperation
  • Use a pragmatic approach and don't be afraid to get your hands dirty
  • Go step by step
How could you help TMI users ?

I am willing to share my energy and my motivation to bring together corporate world to work on a more sustainable future by implementing circular economy principles.

What brought you to sustainability?

Sustainable development has motivated my professional activity from the start. I believe that the only possible way is to re-invent economy taking into account the environment and social pillars.

During my 8 years’ experience as a sustainable consultant for Deloitte, I have discover the concept of Circular economy that completely make sense for me : resource efficiency, life cycle approach but also proximity, transparency, solidarity and global partnership. So after consulting missions for private and institutional clients on sustainable development, I specialized in the challenges of recycling and reuse, as well as Extended Producer Responsibility challenges.

I like working on both strategic thinking and operational challenges, to make waste a resource.

Which sustainable actions are you in charge of or have you implemented in your organisation?

My main focus is now on helping compagnies on EPR schemes challenges:

  • How to set up an EPR schemes
  • How to define regulation to set up the most efficient EPR schemes

Through my past experiences, I developed a comprehensive understanding of the challenges posed by plastic pollution across its entire value chain. My responsibilities included coordinating with stakeholders,  and ensuring effective implementation of circular economy initiatives. I led the development and implementation of eco-design strategies for household packaging for one of the PRO in France, fostering collaboration with internal and external stakeholders to drive sustainable practices. My experience in stakeholder engagement, and capacity-building initiatives has equipped me with the skills necessary to navigate complex environmental challenges effectively.

Which challenges did you meet and how did you overcome them?

It’s hugely challenging to convince companies about the urgency to take action against plastic pollution and it can be frustrating to see how some company try to ignore the worldwide challenge. Though my work setting up EPR schemes, I had to fight against fear of loosing competivity, and the lack of cooperation among industries. Fear of change in the corporate world is also very important.

I overcame it by identifying the right allies that were willing to move forward and by building on collaboration, by finding the pionners willing to change, and using them as an example of success for the rest of the industry.

What are you most proud of?

I am proud of having aligned my personal life and my professional around my deepest conviction. And when my daughter explained that she was trying to do her part while refusing a plastic straw, I melt !

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Sustainable Products & Services Design
Sustainable Products & Services Design
Sustainable Products & Services Design
Circulate Materials
Waste Management
Packing & Unpacking Area
Resources Management
Corporate Governance, Mission & Strategy
Consulting - Environmental Pilar
Sustainability Accounting & Sustainable Corporate Finance
Data Management & Processes
Sustainable Supply Chain & Logistic
All Solutions
Sustainable Supply Chain & Logistic
Eco Design & Circularity