Feb28th to March 2nd5th session of the United NationsEnvironment AssemblyTheme: StrengtheningActions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Development GoalsTonote:The EllenMacarthurFoundation& WWF have calledfor a UNtreaty on plastic pollutionResources: Manypre-events and the assembly to watch live March 3rdCelebration of the 50th anniversary ofthe UN Environment programme Tonote: UNEPis the UN body monitoring the state of the environment, informing policymakingwith science and coordinating global responses to environmental challenges.Since its creation, UNEP has galvanized worldwide commitments and coordinatedaction, such as the Viennaconvention for protection of the Ozone Layer, and the IPCC creation…Resources: outreach material March 3rd World Wildlife Day Theme: Recoveringkey species for ecosystem restorationResources: outreach material March 18th Global recycling day Theme: Save the planet, support therecycling Tonote:  Discover the recycling heroes highlighted: #RecyclingHeroes! You can also nominate yours, closingdate for nominations on 8th March 2022. Resources: outreach material March 21st International Day of ForestsTo note: a day to talk about deforestation,forests being “the lungs of the Earth”. How to celebrate? Organise  a Tree planting campaign; slow down and gofor a hike at McRitchie… Resources: outreach material March 22ndWorld Water Day Theme: Groundwater – Making theInvisible Visible Resources: outreach materialMarch 26th Earth Hour Theme: as usual, at 8:30pm local time, switchoff all lights!MUSTDO: remindall your teams on Friday 25thnight to switch off alllights in your offices! Make an habit to celebrate earth hour every night whenleaving the office: the last one makes sure no lights stay ON…..Resources:outreach material

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